Hi, Kids!
I don’t have time to write this page today, but I’ll do it soon.
I promise.
No kidding!
When I get to write it, it will have my dogs…

…and I’ll tell you how I never planned to be a writer
because writing scared me.

I wanted to be a teacher.
Guess what!
I got a job!
I was so happy!

Then lots of teachers had to be let go.
I was one of them.
I was so unhappy.
And worried.

I had to find a new way to talk to you.
I just had to!

I know I said writing scared me, but…
I gave it a try
and have written over 100 books.

(I’ve had a lot to say to you.)

It’s time for me to write another book now.
That’s why I don’t have time to finish writing this page.
But wait, maybe it’s almost done. What do you think?

Sometimes, all it takes is getting started.
What don’t you have time to write today?
Want to give it a try?

My name is long. Would you like to hear me say it?