Illustrated by Aaron Blecha
In this hilarious take-off on The Frog Prince, magician Marty Q. Marvel accidentally turns Mr. Bundy, the principal of PS 88, into a slimy, green frog! Will the kids get used to having a principal who plays leapfrog in the gym, swims in the classroom sink, and eats a student's entire bug collection? Will they ever get their old principal back?
“This four-chapter, laugh-out-loud riff on The Frog Prince will trigger children’s imaginations…Calmenson’s simple narrative and ample dialogue combine with Blecha’s delightfully expressive black-and-white illustrations to present children with a supportive reading experience. This book includes a characters list, a word list with definitions, and a set of critical-thinking questions.” —Booklist
“….poised to grab the attention of distracted children who might be busy on their devices instead of sitting with a book… a book that almost seems to have animated sound effects. —New York Journal of Books