ALA Poetry Blast

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Reading at the ALA Poetry Blast with fellow poets, Mike Artell, Kristine O’Connell George, Mordicai Gerstein, Nikki Grimes, Alan Katz, Joyce Sidman, Marilyn Singer, Lee Wardlaw, Janet Wong, and Tracie Vaughn Zimmer was, well, a blast!

Sylvia Vardell recorded my reading of “Shaggy Dog” at the ALA Poetry Blast.  Thanks, Sylvia!

“Stephanie “gets” the young child. Her poetry is rhythmic and musical and irresistible.”
Sylvia Vardell, Ph.D.
Texas Woman's University School of Library & Information Studies

New York Public Library: Poetry Panel, hosted by Elizabeth Bird

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A Passel of Poets: Children’s Poetry in the Modern Age

Elizabeth Bird, NYPL Senior Children’s Librarian and SLJ blogger extraordinaire invited me along with fellow poets Bobbi Katz, Marilyn Singer, and Charles R. Smith for a conversation on the state of children’s poetry today and the nitty-gritty of writing a good poem for a young audience.  Betsy always keeps her Literary Salons lively.  Her intros are poetic!

Guest Writer at Pat Cummings’ Children’s Book Illustration Class

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guest writer

It’s always great fun being the guest writer at Pat Cummings’ Children’s Book Illustration class as she gives her students an in depth, insider’s view of the writing and publishing process.  Pat inspires!

“Anybody looking to inspire, motivate and inform students about writing for children should be lucky enough to have Stephanie visit their class....[The students]" broke out in applause at the end of class....haven't seen THAT happen in a while.”
Pat Cummings
Pat Cummings
Parsons at The New School